Publications focus on three overarching themes and divided into five projects:
- Project 1: Evaluating Needs and Experiences
- Project 2: Measurement of Mobility Outcomes
- Project 3: Wheelchair Innovation
- Project 4: Data Logger
- Project 5: Wheelchair Skills Program for Powered Mobility
Popular Press
Miller W. Improving the wheeled mobility of older adults. Rehab and Community Care Medicine, 2014;23(1):24-26. Read the article here!
Routhier F. Mobilité en fauteuil roulant et participation sociale : quelques approches innovantes. Talk presented at Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines; 2016 Feb 9; Garches, France.
National Conference
Auger C, Miller W, Demers L, Ruston P, Busilacchi E, and the CanWheel Team. CanWheel: Improving wheeled mobility of older adults. Centre de readaptation Lucie-Bruneau (CRLB) Crossroads of Knowledge 2013, Montreal, QC, April 9, 2013. (Poster)
Routhier F. Wheeled Mobility to enhance activity and participation of older adults. Proceedings of the 7th Annual New Brunswick Health Research Conference 2015. Fredericton, NB, 2015 Nov 3rd.
Viswanathan P, Wang RH, Sutcliffe A, Kenyon L, Foley G, Adams M, Archambault P, Black B, Blain J, Bresler M, Cotarla S, Demiris Y, Giesbrecht E, Gardney P, Gryfe P, Hall K, Mandel C, McGilton K, Michaud F, Mitchell I, Mortenson B, Nilsson L, Pineau J, Smith E, Zambalde E, Zondervan D, Routhier F, Carlson T, Kirby L, Simpson R, Miller WC, Mihailidis A. Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training: A Consensus Workshop. Proceedings of the International Seating Symposium; 2016 March; Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mortenson B, Kirby RL, Clarke LH, and Goldsmith CH. Measurement Properties of the Wheelchair Skills Test for Scooters. Paper presented at the 32nd International Seating Symposium. Vancouver, B.C., 2016 March 1-4.
Miller WC, Mortenson B, Rushton P, Viswanathan P, Routhier F, Kirby RL. CanWheel: Improving Power Wheeled Mobility for Older Canadians. Instructional Session presented at the 32ndInternational Seating Symposium. Vancouver, B.C., 2016 March 1-4.
Labbé, D., Rushton, P.W., Demers, L. Kirby, L. Mortenson, B., Miller W.C. Understanding the burden experienced by caregivers of older adults who use power mobility. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montreal, QC, October 2016
International Conference
Rushton PW, Miller WC, CanWheel Research Team. Understanding and Improving Power Mobility Use Among Older Adults: An Overview of the CanWheel Program of Research. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe; 2013 September 19 – 22; Vilamoura, Portugal.
Miller WC, Rushton PW, Mortenson B, Smith E, CanWheel Research Team. Canwheel: A Canadian Research Team Dedicated to Improving the Power Mobility Opportunities of Older Adults.Proceedings of the International Seating Symposium; 2015 March; Nashville.