Wheelcon: Overview

Versions of the WheelCon Include:

  • Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale for Manual Wheelchair Users – French
  • Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale for Manual Wheelchair Users – Short Form
  • Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale for Power Wheelchair Users Version 2
  • Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale for Power Wheelchair Users – French
  • Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale for Caregivers


Type of Administration:

Generally self-administered. If respondent has poor vision, the tester may read the items to the respondent and record their answers. If respondent has writing difficulties, the respondent should independently read the items and inform the tester of their confidence level. The tester then records the answers.


Time to Administer:

It takes a mean of 21.7 minutes (standard deviation ± 7.3) to complete the WheelCon-M.


Response Scale:

0% (not confident) to 100 % (completely confident)



A mean total score is derived by summing the ratings for each item and dividing by the total number of items.



The possible total mean score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores representing higher confidence with wheelchair use. Initial comparative scores for the WheelCon-M, version 2.1 are from a sample of 83 Canadian community dwelling individuals who used a manual wheelchair as their primary means of mobility.


Relevant References:

  1. Rushton PW, Miller WC, Kirby RL, Eng JJ, Yip J. Development and content validation of the Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale: a mixed-methods study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2011; 6:57-66.
  2. Rushton PW, Miller WC, Kirby RL, Eng JJ. Measure for the assessment of confidence with manual wheelchair use (WheelCon-M) version 2.1: Reliability and validity. J Rehabil Med 2013; 45:61-67.


See how the WheelCon works: